Sunday, February 5, 2012

Religions and Fatalism in India: Is it the Cause of Poverty in India?

The most dominant religion in India is Hinduism, perhaps the oldest of all Religions like Judaism in the world.

Religious minorities follow Islam (about 13% of the total population) and Christianity of various shades (about 3% of the total) in India.  These are mostly converts from Hinduism because of economic or spiritual reasons starting around 1550 AD because of Moghul rulers and the Christian colonialists and missionaries. However, the influence of Hinduism and its practices linger among all religious minorities.  For example, Muslims have Dhurga Worship, which is similar to any Idol Worship of Hindus.  And, giving Dowries to bridegrooms is there among Muslims, while it should be the other way according to Islam.  Therefore, I focus on Hinduism and the Fatalism propounded by its teachings.

In India there are about 100 million educated (passing high school and above) people, most of whom are "doing well".  This group is slowly and steadily starting to look at religion as a cultural link to the distant past, as most of the people of the West.  They work hard and climb up in the ladder of economic prosperity.  This group doesn't care must about the Fatalism of the Hinduism.

Now, let us talk about the rest of the people: About 1100 million Indians.

I consider this group as "Poor and Dirt Poor" who can't make more than $3 per day person because of poor education and skills.

All most all of this group of people will say "God Giveth, Man Taketh"  "All is Pre-Ordained, Nothing can be changed by anybody"  "There is a better world out there after Death" etc.

I contend that these Beliefs are based on the Puranic preachings and teachings of Hinduism (and other religions).  Hindus MUST believe in the doctrine of "Poorva Janma Karma", which means whatever you or your family did in previous birth will linger around and affect your life in this birth and the future births (because Hinduism teaches Reincarnation and Rebirth of the Soul).

This FATALISM instructs the poor Believers to think of God all the time and worship HIM with prayers, poojas and bhajans many hours a day so much so they neglect to go to school, finish school, acquire useful skills and find good jobs.

Hence these Believers are largely Poor or Dirt Poor, and poverty begets poverty and the cycle continues.

This is happening in all poor countries of Asia, Africa and Central and South America.

I contend unless we get rid of this MIND SET of religion, Gods and FATALISM, it is very hard to eradicate poverty in these countries.

More later...



  1. Hi Yamaka,

    How do you come to this conclusion ? The poor have not stopped trying, they are trying their best to provide for their family/kids !!

    They are seeing others progress & hence I dont think they are fatalistic in their approach & giving up in life.


    1. Hi JK:

      Thanks for the feedback.

      1. Please look at the family size. Many don't care to use effective birth control to control the size of the family.. because of the IDEA of "Oh well.. "Kadavul Parthpar.. I just need to Believe in HIM" This is a form of FATALISM.

      In my mind, most poor families have 3-5 children, where only one is economically reasonable.. but they are INDOCTRINATED to BELIEVE "It's all Bhahavan's Karunai". This is a form of FATALISM.

      2. If we can somehow bring forth a ONE child policy voluntarily (unlike in China) among poor families, we can break the back of POVERTY in India, IMO.

      3. Do you know that only 15% of India's population attended high school, and only less than half of them even passed?

      It's all because of FAMILY POVERTY due to FAMILY size.

      More later...


